Okay, so, I love writing and used to write all the time. I have notebooks at home filled with scribbling. Everything from poems to short stories to novels. The problem with my writing is I’ve never finished anything. Well, the poems and short stories, sometimes, but I’ve never finished one of my novels and I probably have started around 30 or even more, in my lifetime.
This also includes blogs, because I’ve tried to start blogging and I’ve failed multiple times. Usually its because I don’t know what to write about, or because no one reads it, or just because I simply have never been able to stick with something for long periods of time, like writing everyday in a blog or finishing a novel. But this time I hope its different because writing to me is one of the best stress relievers EVER. Probably only second to a hard work out.
And speaking of stress relievers, I’ve decided that’s going to be the first topic I talk about.
It’s fitting because I have been very, very stressed out lately. So here are my top 10 stress relieving activities. (Rated PG of course) ;)
1. Working out.
I love to lose myself in a workout, my music and I can spend a few hours at the gym easily.
2. Reading.
I love losing myself in a book!
3. Writing.
Getting out everything that I’m thinking, no matter how silly, always helps.
4. Being out in nature.
Its calming and peaceful and doesn’t demand anything from you. Nature just lets you Be.
5. Cuddling with my dog.
Dogs are good listeners and of course, they are proven to help people relieve stress, aka therapy dogs.
6. Listening to music.
Depending on my mood, there is always a fitting song.
7. Watching a movie.
Relaxing to a movie is almost as good as a book, almost.
8. Eating.
Eh, probably shouldn’t do this when I’m stressed but chocolate usually helps.
9. Shopping.
Probably shouldn’t do this either but buying a new pair of shoes or a new eye shadow when I’m stressed makes me feel better.
10. Drinking.
Now, I’m not saying be an alcoholic, but if all else fails, a glass of wine is my final weapon against stress.
I think that so often people don't know how to lessen their stress. In this fast world that we live in we need to remember to take time to slow down, take a break and recharge. Sometimes the fastest speed isn't always the best speed because the faster you go, the more things you'll miss and the more you'll forget to enjoy.
So slow down, look around and take a deep breath and let the stress melt away.
I can't contain my excitement! I am so glad you are blogging. Beautiful inaugural post, I am hooked already.