Wednesday, June 9, 2010

E = MC^squared

As my quarter draws to a close, I'm a little disappointed that Children's Lit is over. One, because it was such an easy class, I definitely picked the wrong major when I chose business...I should have chosen Liberal Studies or something ha. Two, my teacher basically gave me all my topics for my blog posts because we rarely talked about children's books, instead he went off on tangents about life which, okay, were kind of annoying because I was there to learn about, well, children's literature but after awhile we all just learned to sit back, roll our eyes and quickly pass the children's books he insisted on passing around the room every class whether we wanted to look at them or not. Still, he was a cool teacher none the less.

I've been thinking about teachers a lot lately. Mostly because its starting to hit me that I only have one more year of college and then I'm done with school if I want to be. It's a little weird to think about because I've been in school for my entire life. In terms of teachers who have taught me, I've had some amazing ones and I've had some awful ones but this quarter I was lucky enough to have one of the best teachers I've ever had while in college, maybe even one of the top teachers I've had ever. I've usually found that college teachers aren't too personal with students, especially when you compare them to the teachers back in high school or earlier. It made me think of all the other amazing teachers I've had over the years and so this is a thank you to them. For teaching me more than just curriculum. :)

Teacher Bev

2nd Grade:
Mrs. Coffelt

3rd Grade:
Mrs. Schmalenberger

5th Grade:
Mrs. Becker

6th Grade:
Ms. Muller

9th - 12th:
Madame Arino
Mr. Kirk
Mr. Hardy
Mrs. Benzel
Mrs. U

Cal Poly:
Mr. Perello
Colette Frayne

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